The initiative lays the foundation for tomorrow's female medical doctors, engineers among others and its programs aims to improve girls' academic performance/ grades in STEM subjects and increase their enrolments in STEM majors in Tertiary Institutions.
Become a STEM girl Stem Girl 2 Stem WomanSTEM GIRLS Initiative empowers girls and advances gender equality in Girls Education particularly in the field of Science & Technology. It includes three parts:
A study group for girls to improve girls'academic performance in school.
A mentoring program for Stem Girls.
A weekly interactive session that brings together women working in the fields of STEM with Girls interested in STEM.
In the future the majority of jobs will increasingly require STEM skills. Yet considerably less girls than boys approach STEM. Even though women make half of the population, only 35% of STEM students in higher education globally are women, while the female representation in STEM careers is less than 30%(UNESCO)